Monday, October 14, 2013

A Poem: Tiger


I wanted to be a tiger
If we had to choose a career when we were five
I wanted to be a tiger
i wanted to be sleek and deadly 
I wanted to be better at something
But you don't have to choose when you're five
You have to choose when you're sixteen
When you've realized that you can't be a tiger
That the hobbies you've chased thus far aren't going to get you anywhere
As soon as all your dreams are crushed
You choose which one to try for

But I still want to be a tiger
So I ran away from that system
I didn't choose
I pursued my hobbies
And they grew into skills
Skills that I can use

And now I know
I wanted to be a tiger so I could be good at something
And I am
Just not the way they wanted

So aim for being a tiger
Because tigers ignore things in their way

Hey, tiger!
Sick 'em.


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